God is Good, all the time, everytime

Thursday, October 12, 2006 | | | |
xpect the unxpected.

Got so disappointed after being bombarded by lecturers during the format pitch for bad budgeting (that's why i can never be a businessman), was so bloody scared that i might just got the group into some deep shit. went to al-ameen, thinking so much on the way, about the pitch and something else. both equally stressful...both equally important to me, but why? don't ask me... i just allow my heart to take me into thinking, wherever i am, whatever it is. and so i was praying like mad deep in my heart that time.

so well, today, God provided me a way, something which is more than what i expected. Thank You and i praise You for all You've done.

was sitting down there just now. one look, it was so painful. so damn painful. i asked, even though i knew but it turned out bad. i called but it somehow ended fast. really fast. so fast. just can't help it. and i just don't understand a single thing. why?

so what are tears for? stressful person? suicidal person? depressed person? lost? or what? whatever you name it... yes... it is.

and so why people suddenly eat so much? just like what that normally special doctors would say. "these are symptons of ..... name it...." i am having that... yeah.... but so what? who knows? who cares? you or You?