no strength to blog properly

Friday, August 18, 2006 | | | |
ya ya...
stupid FR lim ml.

tmr's call time @ boh...

regrets regrets

i have regrets of doing certain things,
i can't help it but i still continue to think.
decisions were made,
but regrets were late.

still i will continue to sing You praise,
even till the moment i pause to thank.
i offer to help,
and i continue to tell.

Reputations tarnished,
Images brought down.
Friends are lost,
People are eventually gone.

Relationships got screwed,
Emotions were fooled.
To You i apologise,
For You i will tesitify.

Depressions come and depressions go,
They have come again and when they will go i do not know.
To You i pray that it will go away,
Even till the day when my soul will rise away.

Take care my friend(s),
You have to stand strong and allow no matters to destruct your plans.

Be strong and courageous...